I know you will be hurt and offended to hear this, but if you use Facebook, you are simply stupid. In fact you are so stupid that you are willing to tell a company everything about you and all you get in return is an opportunity to get depressed watching your friends and family always having a good time. Unfortunately, if you keep using Facebook, there is no way to hide from your friends and the world (depending on your privacy settings) who will know not only that you like a particular band or that you traveled to London or that you liked an update from a friend who complained about Walmart. In other words, people can now find almost every click that you ever made on Facebook, most of the time without thinking about it at all. The best way to use Facebook is to simply never update your status, never like anything, and never use anything. Yes, just looking at the pictures of friends and family is telling a lot about yourself to Facebook (e.g. if you keep clicking on the party photos of your cousin, even though you did not like them or commented, Facebook will still conclude that you like to drink and party and will sell that information to advertisers). Also make sure that your privacy settings limit everything to you or your friends. And I am sure you did not know this but leaving Facebook is not an option. Facebook will keep everything that you ever did even after you are dead. Just deactivating your account does not delete your information.
My Life In Bits And Pieces in Massachusetts.