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Unemployment Chinese style

For more than two decades China was glad to take our low-end manufacturing jobs with its ample supply of low-wage workers.  Obviously, these millions worked hard for years in unimaginable horrible working conditions and saved money so that their (mostly sons called as little emperors) only child could get a better education and not have to toil in factories.  And it worked.  China now has a lot of (mostly men) people with good education, like engineering diplomas, but no jobs.  Chinese economy still needs low-wage workers to keep the system working.  The Times is reporting that these people simply refuse to work in factory jobs considering them beneath them, even when they pay more than a desk job.  These people would rather dress in their fine clothes to work in an office with a phone and computer, attending meetings, and pretending to be executives, while making a lot less than those who make stuff in a factory.  I guess China needs to develop a framework for outsourcing, maybe to Africa.