At a time when seniors are going back to college , free online education is making American style education available to everyone in the world , college degree is the new high school diploma , and job prospects for Americans look dismal , comes the report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center that of the 1.9 million students enrolled for the first time in all degree-granting institutions, just over half of them had graduated within six years . Another 16.1 percent were still enrolled in some sort of post-secondary program after six years, and 29.8 percent had dropped out altogether. These people are not only getting their degrees, for whatever time they are in college, they are taking out student loans, that need to repaid no matter what . I guess if you do not have the stomach for working hard, it is better not to even consider college , but dropping out is just the worst decision you can make. I must also add that so many college students I come acr...
My Life In Bits And Pieces in Massachusetts.