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Million dollars not enough to be happy

I am sure if your income is only fifty grand and you have very little assets (or like a quarter of Americans, no assets, but credit card debt and student loans), you will see these millionaires are out of their minds to not be happy.  You probably even fantasize that you would be so happy if just your credit card debt was paid off and you had some money in the bank for emergencies, but trust me, the richer you are, the bigger your expenses, and what might be an year's worth of savings, for some people that is just one trip to Paris.

Well, according to the Spectrem Group found that individuals worth $5 million or more are far more satisfied with their jobs, relationships and work than those worth $100,000 or less. Notice the important distinction here.  Instead of just talking about the millionaires (remember there are a lot of millionaires next door these days), they are talking about the so-called penta-millionaires.

Before you get any wrong ideas about me, I am not a millionaire yet, but headed in that direction.  Hopefully, at some point, we will get there, and as blessed as we feel to have some money in the bank, I can clearly understand why millionaires do not feel wealthy or consider that it is a big deal.  We still count our money, we almost always have to choose what to buy and at what price, and having to make choices like these do cause frustration and unhappiness.  I am assuming that once you are a penta-millionaire, if you feel like, you can simply get a first-class ticket to Tahiti and spend a week at the Four Seasons, without having one worry.  No wonder you will be happy.