The divorce of Dita Von Teese from Marilyn Manson was reportedly over a teenager: Evan Rachel Wood. In a rather bizarre turn of events, the two fell in love when they met at a party at Chateau Marmont and Teese immediately escaped from the relationship.
Things get even more bizarre but it also seems to prove that if you think that Marilyn Manson is weird, so is is Evan Rachel Wood. They both seem to have a weakness for eyeliner and she has no hesitation in telling People that "He's crazy! And crazy, by the way, is the highest compliment I pay. Manson is definitely crazy. Hopefully I am, too."
Things get even more bizarre but it also seems to prove that if you think that Marilyn Manson is weird, so is is Evan Rachel Wood. They both seem to have a weakness for eyeliner and she has no hesitation in telling People that "He's crazy! And crazy, by the way, is the highest compliment I pay. Manson is definitely crazy. Hopefully I am, too."