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Showing posts from November, 2008

Nicole Kidman Hugh Jackman Australia movie

Maybe it is only acting, but movie stars engage in the most intimate acts while filming. Take for example Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman in Australia , a film that proved memorable for her and Keith Urban because she got pregnant during that time. So how does it feel to kiss another person while you are married . Pretty good if you believe both Hugh and Nicole. She says, "Obviously we're in character when we kiss , but it was good to go to work." Hugh says that filming love scenes with Kidman "couldn't have been better or easier...I won't tell all the nitty gritty...But [director Baz Luhrmann] treats love scenes like choreography. The camera is like a dancer . If you watch any of his movies, visually, the love scenes are like poetry." Sure!

Britney Spears Madonna reunion

Remember how Madonna and Britney Spears kissed in public? Then as Brit went through her problems, Madonna and Britney Spears were not friends any more. In a complete turnaround of events, Madonna and Britney Spears had a reunion and they appear to have become BFF . Now to the disappointment of many fans, they did not make out on stage, but they sure looked like great friends . So why the change? Maybe because Madonna and Guy Ritchie got a divorce? Or is that after her divorce from Kevin Federline, Britney too has cleaned up her act.